All Good.

I am feeling full of positivity right now, and I want to share the wonderful week I’ve had.

On Wednesday night, my little sister randomly texted me wanting to come over.  I, of course, said yes.  She is very busy, so I love when we get some time to hang out, even if it usually is super late at night.  We were just watching some TV when she started talking about the guy she had slept with.  I was nervous to bring it up, but I wanted to feel out if we could have a conversation about it.  I said, “I have a few questions about what happened with that situation, but the only thing I need to know right now, is were you guys safe?”  She said they were and continued to talk about it.  We had an amazing conversation.  She shared how she was feeling, and I shared my experiences.  At the end of it, she said, “I’m really glad I can talk to you about this.”  I am so grateful!

On Thursday, I met up with an old friend that I don’t see as often as I’d like.  We spent some time together one on one, and then we met up with my roommate, who she hasn’t had a chance to meet yet, and they really hit it off.  It’s not that I doubted they would, but I’m glad it ended up that way.  My old friend can be slow to warm up to people sometimes, but that wasn’t the case at all.

Friday night, my roommate and I met up with our friend from high school, her husband, and a couple of friends.  We all went out downtown.  It was really fun!  Our friends had a baby a few months ago, and it’s the first time they’ve been out since.  It was great to catch up.  We’re in different places in our lives and it sometimes feels hard to stay connected, so it was nice to spend time together.

Saturday, I took a test for school, met up with the old friend that I mentioned earlier for lunch (twice in one week NEVER happens!), and then napped.  Later that night, my roomie and I had dinner with a different friend from high school, and she asked me to be in her wedding next year.  We’ve really gotten to know each other better through my roommate (they were better friends in high school than we were), and I feel really honored that she’d chose me to be in her wedding party.  It’ll be my roommate as the maid of honor, and her cousin, and me as bridesmaids. 🙂

After dinner, I picked up my little sister, and we went to my parents’ for game night.  My dad unexpectedly has the weekend off work, and we’d just had our first big snowfall of the year, so my mom was set on playing board games.  We were all up late playing and talking, then afterwards, my sister and I watched a movie.  We stayed overnight, and my mom had breakfast ready in the morning.  We lounged around all day today and watched the Packers win.  I came home late this evening and did some homework, so I’m feeling good.

I so often get caught up in the stressful parts of life, and I know there will inevitably be more soon, but I am so happy about what has happened lately.


The one thing I am completely and absolutely thankful for above all else is my family. I spent a lot of time over there the last weekend recovering from getting my wisdom teeth out, so you’ll have to excuse all of my gushing (and this may be long). 😛

They are some of the best people I know. The more time you spend with them, the more you want to be around them.

My dad is the hardest working man I’ve ever met. We didn’t grow up with much, but he constantly worked his ass off to make sure we were getting by. His sense of humor is so cheesy, and he loves to make people laugh. He quietly endures his struggles, never wanting burden anyone else. And he’s always made sure that I’ve never doubted for one second how much he loves me.

I sometimes think my friends like my mom more than they like me, ha. She is the backbone of our family. She’s always kept us together, even when everything else was falling apart. She has a way with words, and she lets us know what unique qualities she loves about us. She is full of strength and resilience, but she’s also playful and fun. Whenever I’m down or upset, I call my mom. She is honestly one of my best friends.

I love how my parents care for everyone they meet. More than that, I love how they love each other.

My older sister is quite rambunctious. She’s made some mistakes in her life, but she’s worked hard for everything she’s achieved. She’s always been a guiding light for me. She is talented in many ways. And my favorite part about her is that she laughs loudly and often, no matter what life throws her way.

Brother #1 will always be my delicate little brother, no matter how strong he is now. He is the first person I ever really had to defend, and I did it without hesitance. He is sweet and kind. His wit is unmatched. He has the most self-control of anyone I’ve ever met, and that’s only helped him in life.

Life never feels quite complete without brother #2 around. I’ve missed him a lot lately, and I dream of him often. He lives halfway across the country, so I don’t get to see him near as often as I’d like. He has that way of getting under your skin and making you angry, then cracking a joke and making you laugh seconds later. He is seriously impossible to stay mad at. He works hard and plays hard. He has always been fearless, and that’s something I’ve always admired.

My little sister is a firecracker. She always says what’s on her mind and doesn’t have a filter. She cares for others passionately, and she has so much empathy for others’ struggles. She is full of faith and quiet strength. She is just starting the next step in her life, but I am completely convinced that she will be very successful.

And finally, my youngest brother is a combination of a lot of things. He is very cautious at times, only to turn around and be completely brave. He is very verbal with his feelings, and he’s not shy with hugs. He is a good person; he’s the type that will say “hi, how are you today?” to a stranger or help an old woman with her groceries.

I will never, for one second, take for granted how lucky I am to be a part of such an amazing group of people.