
Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve written.  I’ve been so, so busy, and so, so happy.  Changing my job was the best thing I could have done for myself.  The boyfriend is pretty amazing, too.

He loves me intensely and straight-forwardly.  He does so much for me.  Last night, we cooked dinner together, and when I walked into his place, I found a red rose and a chilled bottle of Chardonnay (I had mentioned earlier in the week that cold Chardonnay sounded amazing).  He leaves my favorite breakfast foods out for me each morning.  He writes me sweet love notes.

I sometimes wonder if I do enough for him.  I always feel like I am enough as a person, but I just mean in terms of the “little things”.  One thing I feel I’ve gotten a lot better at is verbalizing my feelings for him.  We had a talk once about any doubts either of us had, and he had mentioned how he doesn’t always know how I’m feeling or where I’m at.  It’s made a tremendous difference.  He no longer makes little comments that lack confidence in our relationship.  It was a huge step out of my comfort zone (I prefer writing words to saying them, because it never comes out how I want it to when I’m speaking), so I’m proud that I was able to make that adjustment for him.

This is the most mature relationship I’ve ever been in by a long shot.  I am confident that we’ll end up married someday.  I know he wants that for us.  It’s exciting and scary… but mostly exciting.

But anyway, I’ll have to think of something thoughtful to do for him.  He always seems to be amazing at coming up with ideas for those types of things.

Oh, and I got him the most incredible birthday gift that I know he’ll love.  Unfortunately, I have to wait until July to give it to him.  It’s so hard not to spill the beans!